So I think I am finally getting over this work guy. I don’t even find him attractive anymore and he’s just boring and annoying. But still, since I wasted so much time on him, I now have a new strategy. I act sweet and kind to him, and in turn, he is happy to help me at work. Whenever I find something boring or heavy, I just call him and, like a kind puppy, he comes and listens to my commands.
It’s not me trying to get revenge, just to assert my power in our relationship. I don’t want to feel like I got messed over and he came out like a hero. As time goes on, it feels like it’s much more convenient to take care of yourself, and when you’re horny, just buy an electrical friend. Other than that, have men for your advantage, let them help you, etc., but never get attached.
This doesn’t apply to your REAL male friends, that’s different.
Hello. So today some drama is happening in real-time. First, I need to fill you in on the backstory.
I (F21) work in a grocery store as one of the cashier leaders. I've worked here since December 2023. In May, I started talking more to one of my female colleagues, whom I had a crush on since I first started working there, and we became good friends.
In late June, I got acquainted with her brother, who also works there. Before knowing he was her brother, I just remembered him staring at me when I walked by but never saying hello, which creeped me out. Later, he got promoted to a dotcom leader, which meant he had to come to our information counter during home deliveries. I found it odd that he never said hello, so I called him out on it.
One day, while walking through the storage area, he sped up to talk to me. He asked how things were going with the cash registers and whether I was going on a break. We ended up having lunch together and became closer.
People noticed our chemistry and assumed he was my boyfriend. I thought he was funny, kind, and charming, and I developed a crush on him. But then he casually mentioned having a fiancé, which felt like a stab in the heart. One day, I needed a ride home, and he offered to take me to his house so I could sleep over with his sister. When I arrived, I met his fiancé, Belinda, who made sure I knew I wasn’t welcome.
The next morning, he told me he wanted to be friends but only if she allowed him to. Apparently, she already hated me.
A week before their wedding, I visited his sister with my best friend. We were having fun until he joined us. At one point, he threw a rubber ball, which accidentally hit my eye. He came close, stroked my cheeks, tickled my feet, and fondled my knees. I was stunned and didn’t know how to react.
Later, we were chatting on Discord, and he made a joke saying I looked like his wife from Wish. When I asked what he meant, he quickly tried to cover it up, saying his wife was the most beautiful woman in the world. The comment hurt my feelings.
The next day at work, I ignored him. He asked if I was mad, and I made it clear that I was. He apologized, and I tried to move on. I extended my hand for a handshake as a sign of peace, but he unexpectedly hugged me tight and lifted me off the ground. I was shocked. After that, he continued to tease and flirt, but nothing major happened.
One day, he was acting weird and I asked him, "What was wrong?" He explained that his wife is very jealous of me and doesn’t want us to be friends. What struck me as weird was that whenever I told him that I don’t think she has to be worried, he told me, "Well, of course not!" in a tone that was overly insistent.
After that, he was becoming more and more distant from me. I still to this day don’t understand it.
Before Christmas, we gave each other a gift, and it seemed like everything was returning to normal. Over the holidays, I got a call from his sister, who was together with his wife in her room. They were clearly a bit drunk, and Halina, the wife wanted to bash her husband with me.
A few days later, when I met him at work, he told me that he was mad at me. He accused me of telling his wife about the fact that he is asking me to go to lunch together and is waiting for me.
One day, I had enough and walked up to him and straight up asked him, what he thinks about me and whether he really hates me so much, like his wife says. He was flabbergasted and told me that is simply not true and that he likes me and enjoys spending time together.
I don’t know how to feel or what to do. I realize that the smartest thing would be to let him go, but something is pulling me towards him, I don’t know what. He isn’t handsome, charming, neither kind nor interesting. I would love to close this chapter in my life, but it seems difficult and even impossible. Maybe I know him from my past life, I can’t explain my interest. I don’t know what to do.
If you're reading my blog, you may sometimes feel like I change my mind all the time, which is caused by two factors. First, my posts are usually several months apart, so I really do change my mind about some things thanks to me becoming older as well as my changing environment and new experiences. The second reason is because I'm a certified crazie. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which changes my views radically. I see it differently than my psychiatrist, though. I see it as being a hedonist who likes to enjoy life and sometimes being a nihilist who understands that we are all doomed and the world is a cruel place I don't want to be a part of. She calls it mania and depression :D. I myself don't know, but FYI I sent an email to that bitch so she would send me my meds and she hasn't responded yet, so I fear I'll go off the rails. She should hurry up, because otherwise, I'm not sure about my future.
It was all going okay, until I met this fucker at work. He is the brother of one of my coworkers, who also happens to be my friend, and he has a part-time job there. Let's call him Joe. We sort of started chatting at work and going on lunch breaks together during our shifts. It has been something I have been looking forward to every single time at work.
I think I forgot to mention something. He has a wife. And she looks similar to me, and he makes sure to repeat it almost all the time. But apart from looks, we are completely different. Me and Joe have lots in common, and he is not bad looking, so I developed a crush on him. Boy, was that terrible.
I wore clothes to showcase my figure—mind you, not revealing, I am not 16 anymore—just to show off a bit. I tried to meet him at work when it was not necessary and so on. This makes me sound terrible, but his behavior was much more proactive than mine, from touching me to weird flirtatious comments. After I got to know him more, I realized that my crush was not reasonable. Although he has great qualities as a friend, he is also not what I find attractive in a partner. I think he just has good pheromones, to be honest. So I want to be only friends with him lol.