Welcome to my blog! Welcome to my shitposting :)

Azealia Banks beef

If I would be famous, I wouldn't want an emmy, a fucking oscar(so lame and outdated), but a beef withmiss a. banks. She's a musical mastermind but sacrificed her career cos she's looking for drama, wow! Like if you search for the list of people (countries o_o) she had beef with, it's like is she doing anything else beside that? How does she even manage to be so productive?!!! I can have 3 beefs per year (and with one person, not naming anyone but if you are seeing this: hi how is jasminka doing? btw are you stillpaying rent in that apartment you haven't lived in for 5 months?) and I consider that a lot and it physically and emotionally drains me and I always have to drink so I calm down and have a ciggy :) (healthy queen)... so how does she do it? Is she on some special meds that make her this way? If so, please send me some!!! Or not? Maybe the meds do not make her more productive (maybe she doesn't take any lol), but just in need for some beef... On the other hand these beefs are more enviromentaly and ethically friendly than the ones from animals, so you go girl!!!

Some of A's best quotes:

  • "I don't want to be nice. Nice girls can only get what they're offered."
  • "I don't turn to anyone for advice. I do what I want."
  • "Eminem, you could be my little wrinkly faced lover in the wee hours…You cute…BUT!!!!!: …….. You still chose to make a joke of something that wasn’t funny. Making fun of a woman who was knocked out cold bc she was unable to defend herself. I have been a victim of domestic violence and it’s just not funny. PLUS: you go after unsuspecting women and use them as jokes in ur raps but I bet you’d NEVER press Jay-Z in that way."

am I ill?!

Today i woke up after 11 hours of sleep, it felt so weird. I thought it ws no more than 8 am or so, i thought: "hmmmm, imma sleep for a few more hours", just out of curiosity i looked at my phone to check the time. It was 3 fucking 45 pm!!! wtf jesus.... How is that even possible? So i spend my day being lazy as always and creating a sim in sims 2 for an hour (all my sims look the same anyway :)) and ate real good!!!! I had a chocolate and nut filled croissant that my dad bought me yesterday (i always put it over a toaster for a few minutes until it's a bit brown and crispyy), coffee, chocolate bar (twix), 3 carrots, a glass of eggnog. That was in the "morning" (4 to 8 pm). But I started feeling very weird and my head hurts a bit, i also feel lowkey dizzy. I hope i'm not sick cos i fucking hate being sick... Then i had some potato salad with bread rolls and gherkins. It was a nice lunch yay! For a snack me and my dad had some ridicoulously overpriced ice cream (monte!) and at half past midnight i made an omellette and had some leftover creamy mushroom pasta. It was nice food but please i hope i'm not sick :o

kitty trouble

So my sister month ago decided to take her cat to live with her. sis used to live with us, but thenshe got a new boyfriend and after a little while wanted to move in with him. they'd gotten a new flat. she wasn't visitting us at all, altho our house is probably just 25 km away. her cat J was living with me at home the whole time and we were pretty happy about it. she has a friend in here as well, our wolfdog G. out of nowhere, sis wanted J to move in with her, mind you that J is a hybrid cat, meaning that when she wants to go outside, she can and vice versa. but in the flat this is simply not possible and she would have had to stay inside all the time. seems like sis thinks of her more as just a cute stuffed animal or sum, otherwise i don't understand it. so they took J to live with them. she was probs not very happy in there cos she peed on their bed all the fucking time. so....... they returned her back home :)

do i like my job?

okkkk so, i have graduated from a fairly prestigious highschool with nice grades, but for some reason had no idea which university to choose. i used to live in survival mode for so many years that i would spend my days just waiting to get home from school, watched movies or played games and stuff like that. i was just waiting for my highschool to be over, it was truly a nightmare. but then boom - i actually finished it. now what? i had no idea what i wanted to do, who i wanted to be. so i just decided to do some job while i decide on what school i want to study and apply next year. i became a cashier in a supermarket, which was super difficult at first, because i had struggled with social anxiety for many years. but surprisingly a customer service job helped me to overcome it. i realised that most people are focused on their own little world and do not care about others. plus most of them are kinda socially awkward as well lol. somehow a switch inside me flipped and i kinda stopped giving a fuck. well, not completely, i'm not about to run naked around people or sum.... the job is not hard, at least when it's not christmas. some people are rude, but not like crazy karens you see on the internet. more like unresponsive, do not say thank you, complain and do that kind of shit, not a freakout. i kinda just focus on the job as if i am an actor in a movie and perform my lines... tbh after the whole day i hate saying my lines. but since the job is repetitive, i can think about my own stuff, just have to keep an eye on the items and the total. sometimes it is boring, but in the end of the day i walk out of there with a clear mind and do not have to worry about having to finish my work at home or having to be competitive. there are few issues tho. first of all, the pay is not great, it is slightly higher than minimal wage. second of all, the job doesn't have any direction, it is endless and my task is always the same. i am not solving anything or doing anything creative. but then, that is really just the lie hollywood tried to sell us, the truth is that most of us will spend our whole life doing something which won't have any impact on the world around us. it is just hard to realise and accept it. so in conclusion, this job taught me to be more assertive and helped my social anxiety, but is kinda boring and without any good outcome.... i just have to learn to be an adult and accept it... but in my heart is that little girl that wanted to save the world and all the animals, i feel like i am betraying her.......

life update

hello ! so long time no see, but do not worry, i am still here, just didnt feel compelled to post anything and lowkey had forgotten i have a blog. so i got promoted at my job, which means much more responsibilities for almost no pay rise lol, but they kept asking me until i gave in. now i can do returns and stuff like that, which makes the job sort of more exciting, but its still working with people, so many times they just want to degrade you or are completely stupid... i once had a customer, who had complained that her grapefruit was on sale, but the price wasnt right. so i checked and saw that it used to be 48 per kilo and she had 500 grams. so the old price was 24 per 500 grams and on the bottom of the receipt was the discount which was -10. which meant that in the end she had paid 14 for it. i understood, that she might have been confused, which can happen, so i explained this to her and she still kept going on and on that it should have been cheaper. so i pulled out a calculator and showed her that it was right and she had said that both me and the calculator were lying. then she asked me, why her grapefruit was only 500 grams, i mean what should one respond to that? i dunno, maybe they didnt water it enough? the fuck? she left and didnt return it in the end, but she still thought that i ripped her of, now i know that the best way to deal with stupid people is to sort of tell them that they are right or not do anything and play dumb, cos i wasted like 5 minutes on this lady and i didnt even get a tip....