The Sims 2

What's new

The Sims 2 is simply like from a different dimension than Sims 1. Speaking of dimensions, it is in 3D, you may say:"Wait, wasn't Sims 1 in 3D as well?".... well, I don't think that being able to rotate your screen by 4x90 degrees is 3D lol :D. Lot placement has also been improved: you can now place them anywhere you want along the road, very simple :). Create a Sim: well, this is completely different. The level of customization is simply unbeatable. You can change details on your sim's face, have many cool hairstyles (the hair moves as well!!), you may pick the outfit (tops+bottoms or full outfit) and for various occasions (everyday, formal, undies, sleepwear, swimwear, athleticwear, with sims season's outdoor clothes as well). The personality system is similar to its predecesor but you must pick a lifelong wish to achieve and your turn ons and turn off (spicyyy). While in sims 1 there were only adults and children, hre they added several life stages: baby(newborn only achieved ingame not in cas), toddler (annoying :( af), child, teenager, (young adult in University,) adult, elder. Nd you can choose the relationships between those sims, the limit is 8 people per household.

Buy/build mode

This mode is very cool. I want to focus on some of my favorite styles of design.